January |
8 Sun |
Winter Series - MBYC (Bay) |
15 Sun |
Jan Triangles - MBYC (Bay) |
28/29 |
RC Duty - MBYC Thistle Inv (Bay) |
February |
4/5 |
12 Sun |
Feb Series - MBYC (Bay) |
18/19 |
SCYA Mid-Winters - ABYC (Bay) |
26 Sun |
Feb Triangles - MBYC (Bay) |
March |
4 Sat |
Work Party MBYC |
11 Sat |
Work Party MBYC |
17-19 |
NOOD Regatta - CorYC (South San Diego Bay) |
Fleet Championship Series #1 |
26 Sun |
RC Duty - MBYC Triangles (Bay) |
April |
1/2 |
Spring Dinghy - CorYC (South San Diego Bay) |
9 Sun |
Bay Series - MBYC (Bay) |
15 |
Bay-2-Bay |
23 Sun |
Asher Pier Race - MBYC (Bay) |
29/30 |
Thrilla in Cabrilla - CBYC |
May |
4 Thurs |
MBYC TNT's Start |
7 Sun |
May Series - MBYC (Bay) |
13/14 |
Santa Cruz - CANCELED (now June 17/18) |
20/21 |
Fleet 3 Invitational - MBYC (Ocean) |
Fleet Championship Series #2 |
27/28 |
Memorial Day Regatta - ABYC (Bay) |
June |
3/4 |
9/10/11 |
PCCs - Columbia Gorge |
10/11 |
17 Sat |
Ocean Regatta - MBYC (Ocean) (Santa Cruz - 17 & 18) |
25 Sun |
Summer Series - MBYC (Bay) |
July |
1/2 |
6 Thurs |
8/9 |
Summer Open - SCYC (Ocean) |
9 Sun |
July Series - MBYC (Bay) |
15/16 |
Bay Challenge - StFYC (San Francisco Bay) |
22/23 |
30 Sun |
July Triangles - MBYC (Bay) |
Fleet Championship Series #3 & Fleet Party at MBYC |
August |
5 Sat |
SCRA (Bay) |
12/13 |
King of the Bay - TISC (San Francisco |
16-19 |
505 North Americans - StFYC (San Francisco) |
27 Sun |
R/C Duty - Aug Triangles - MBYC |
September |
2/3 |
7 Thurs |
MBYC - TNTs End |
10 Sun |
Sept Series - MBYC (Bay) |
Fleet Championship Series #4 |
16/17 |
24 Sun |
September Triangles - MBYC (Bay) |
30/1 |
Fall Dinghy - SCYC (Ocean) |
October |
8 Sun |
October Triangles - MBYC (Bay) |
14/15 |
Fall Dinghy - CorYC (South San Diego Bay) |
Fleet Championship Series #5 |
21/22 |
28/29 |
November |
4 Sat |
SCRA (Bay) |
11/12 |
18/19 |
Turkey Day Regatta - MBYC (Bay) |
MBYC Trophy Dinner is 11/18 |
25/26 |
December |
2/3 |
9/10 |
16/17 |
Hot Rum Regatta - MBYC (Bay) |
23/24 |
30/31 |